Dark Sky Silos


My brain doesn’t like doing things “loose” so painting clouds are challenging to me. When I first painted this a few days ago I hated it.

Dark Sky Silos Watercolor

I wish I had taken a before shot, but there was nothing puffy or soft about them. I walked away. The next morning I said, “what the heck” and sprayed the cloud and ground area with a few shots of water. Then I slightly tilted the top of the paper and here’s my result. I think they’re more interesting now and I like them.

There’s a couple of life lessons here:

  • Sometimes you need to dance in the rain to loosen up.
  • After a few shots, things become more interesting.

Here’s the Let’s Make Art with Sarah Cray video I followed. I also have a link to their website in the left sidebar. I’m signed up for their monthly subscription boxes which comes with the supplies needed for 4 watercolor projects. If you’re interested in getting monthly kits delivered to your door but have questions, please leave me know in the comments below.


I'm a single middle aged woman trying to find my path to living a peaceful life. I cook, I travel, I create, I design, I paint and I bead.

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1 Response

  1. April 18, 2020

    […] you like landscapes, check out my Moody Silos or Surreal […]