Learning Negative Space Painting with Watercolors

In watercolors, painting negative space means to paint everything around your subject to create it’s form instead of painting the subject. The white pedals of the flowers are unpainted areas of the white paper. The green and purple areas around...

surreal landscapes in watercolor

Practicing Surreal Landscapes in Watercolors

These were fun colorful landscapes tutorials I tried. I love how my trees turned out! Here’s the Let’s Make Art with Sarah Cray video I followed. I also have a link to their website in the left sidebar. I’m signed up for...

dragonfly in watercolors

My Watercolor Dragonfly

The focus was creating shadows, but I just love painting dragonflies. Dragonflies are my spirit animal. I have always been fascinated by nature’s little helicopters. And I like the blues and greens I created in this one. But I think...

Green and White Froggy Set

It was the green sea glass I found that inspired this green and white necklace and matching beaded earrings. I added a frog charm to complete it. I didn’t need to purchase anything, I had the 2 wooden barrel beads...