Blue Door Watercolor


Painting the bricks was the least challenging part of doing this. In fact, it was relaxing. However I struggled with everything else.

I couldn’t get anything else to go right. I didn’t leave enough white areas in the green leaves for the pinks and purples in the flowers to stand out. Then I messed up the depth of perspective with the bottom of the door and that just ruined everything. I reminded myself that it was just a piece of paper and I walked away.

Blue Door Watercolor

A few hours later I walked back and immediately realized it needed a horizontal line, so I added one with black to cover things up. I can’t say I love it now, but it didn’t become scrap paper.

If painting something repetitive like these bricks look fun and relaxing to you also, check out my Hydrangeas watercolor.

Here’s the Let’s Make Art with Sarah Cray video I followed. I also have a link to their website in the left sidebar. I’m signed up for their monthly subscription boxes which comes with the supplies needed for 4 watercolor projects. If you’re interested in getting monthly kits delivered to your door but have questions, please leave me know in the comments below.

And remember, sometimes you need to walk away to gain a new perspective. Happy painting!


I'm a single middle aged woman trying to find my path to living a peaceful life. I cook, I travel, I create, I design, I paint and I bead.

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