negative space

Layered Leaves Watercolor Painting Using Negative Space

Layering Negative Space: Layered Leaves Watercolor

In this layered leaves watercolor, leaves are created by repeating negative space painting techniques with darker layers of background color. If you’re looking for something peaceful to paint, this is it! The Subscription Box The monthly subscription box arrives from...

Dandelion Watercolor Painting

Dandelion Watercolor Painting Using Negative Space

In watercolors, creating with negative space means painting around your subject to create it’s form instead of painting the subject itself. In this Let’s Make Art tutorial, I created the abstract shapes of dandelions and then used bleedproof white to...

Learning Negative Space Painting with Watercolors

In watercolors, painting negative space means to paint everything around your subject to create it’s form instead of painting the subject. The white pedals of the flowers are unpainted areas of the white paper. The green and purple areas around...